Monday, January 24, 2011

Second Family

Happiness is a choice and i have made the right choice. That choice led me to my second family. This family is amazing. They care for me and love me no matter what. They also make me laugh so much. They make me realize that i CAN be happy without drama. They are something i would not trade in for anything.
These are my boys. My brothers. My second family. They are quick to make me laugh but also say things that cause me to slug them every once and a while.That  includes the fish boys...;)
Having them in my life has been such a blessing. It's caused me to think and also caused me to cherish them. 
Not only do they tease me for my girlie side, but they bring out my tom-girl side more and more. 

They taught me how to play baseball one day. Don't worry i got teased for my girlie swing. 
They let me shoot guns with them a while ago.All the Barbie's and chocolate in the world can not top that day.
They got me hooked on a ultra nerdy card game. They teased me for liking the shiny cards. 
They took me quadding one day. They still tease me for feeling so happy that i broke 10 mph.

Not only do i feel like the boys are my brothers but their mom and dad feel like family too. Their dad is like my second dad in more than just the sentimental way.He teases me to the point of no return, but at the same time i know that he will tell me when i'm out of line. Their mom is just like my mom as well. Seeing her and what an amazing mother she is inspires me to be like her. She is loving and caring to all of us, even when i know that i don't deserve it. 

They constantly are coming up with ways to make me laugh and constantly i am so happy that they are in my life. 
 At first i just didn't want to intrude. I didn't want to stay for dinner and i guess you could say i wasn't really used to people being so inviting. Now, not only do i love dinner with them but i know where i sit at the table. I hate going first but it's a "good way to teach the boys manners"
i love these boys so much and i couldn't be any happier that they are my second family.
Conner, Kaitlyn and me.
Caleb, me and Canon

Cancan, my little ninja 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

safe right here

i have always grown up in a small town.
too small if you ask me.
it is much like a fish tank.
no privacy whatsoever.
gets dirty, and when it does everyone can see.
well i've hated this town for too long. always wanting to leave every chance i get. i thought about this. this weird hate i have for here. and then i thought about who i would be without it. i would not be who i am today. that is for sure.
i would not have laughed as much.
i would not have cried as much.
i would not have learned how to entertain myself and friends as much.
i would not be as confident as i am.
and i would not love like i love.
fear consumes me a lot. i never really trust. that is not one of my stronger points. im scared of being safe. im scared of failing. but here. right now. right now i feel safe.