Sunday, December 29, 2013

Broken glass sparkles

With these eyes i see hope in an ally at midnight.
Deep in my being, this heart beats for those who faintly know.
My breath is captured by simplistic art and words that move.
Move peoples and could change heart break.
Thoughts of mine drift to lands far from that which words would change
Just the same thoughts crave dimly lit patios and music that hurts my heart.
At the sight of seeing your happiness, creative words or dearly loved ones, my smile is prominent & heart is light.
I'm aware of disaster but in love with finding broken beauty

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Take me there

When you dry a rose the purpose is to preserve it.
To save the memory, the day, the meaning.
It's much more than just a flower.
The nostalgia that is tied to these fading petals is power.
It's capable of stealing my breath.

I remember when I flipped their world upside down & hung these three roses.
They were symbols.
Interlaced and butterflies.
They so eagerly waited for me

They have lost all color, they are brittle.
Much like the memories.
Yet still, it represents more than just a Perennial.

We all have rose petals in our lives, do we not?
Things that used to define our happiness & remind us to push forward,.
Now they are just dried up weeds.
Cold, lifeless & upside down.

Don't let your mind fool you with symbols and empty words.
Enjoy symbols, cherish memories, but see today.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The brightest days are sometimes chased by the darkest of skies.
The silence in the deep blue canvas chases weakness and abandons the spirit of hope.
Don't fret with you lose a battle, just remember for what you fight.
Hold on to desire, continually crave this drive.
Let it lace through your veins, allow your passions to help you thrive.
If only you could see your current low will be tomorrow's high.
Despite your despair with this coursing from your heart, even catastrophe is conquerable.
Look up at the dark painted heavens & let them swallow you whole.
Condone the silence to conceal your pain.
Silence in His presence.
The unavoidable;White washed rooms and words that explain.
Suddenly your veins close. Hope is barricaded.
Forbid this rift, and demand passion to be consistent.
Forfeit your soul to the scariest of skies, not all is lost my sweet love.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pandora and mix Cd's guide me

Glass sprinkles the median as I drive past.
The brilliant sparkles catch my eye and it takes me back to what happened there
 I was not able to see it but it's obvious that there was a collision: fear.

My tires race but my mind is racing faster, my thoughts go out to what made that car swerved and let that glass shatter.
Perhaps they were scared of where they were going- afraid of the future and repetition.
Cautiously fearful of falling into the same destructive patterns: stop.

Red lights in front of me pull me back to where I'm leaving. Maybe they were frightened because they too were leaving. Is there a possibility they only knew what they left behind & the thought of one more mile suffocated them: breathe.

But then again maybe it's just broken glass on the highway.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


We compose such meaningful thoughts, sometimes without even realizing it. We slowly build the anticipation and desire to a point where with one misplaced note will throw the whole symphony off. All depended on the conductor of our minds. Do we see the people in the audience and how they are perceiving these notes as they drift away from our finger tips. Never to be taken back and never to be forgotten, oh, the power, my friends. These verses strung together, light up and display the lining of our hearts. Or so we assume. Then the question is begged, is the cellist concerned with the lyrics, or are they simply moving their bow over the strings when they are told. Is there any thought behind these letters all pasted together to paint the vision of your soul, or is it simply just because it sounds pretty.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tomorrow I'll feel light

You're right there.
We are hugging, smiling and I forgot to look at the camera.
You're right there.
We are champions, graduates, or Friday night hooligans.
You're right there.
I'm kissing your cheek as you make an Absurd face at my kitchen counter.
You're right there.
In the middle of public, we look like idiots and nothing matters. We are singling and caught mid verse
You're right there. So close i can feel our body heat.
But so far I feel my body cave.
You're not here, and I'm not even sure you're awake.
I'm drowning in sea salt and desperate for freedom.
This concept called normal defines itself as consistent yet my feet are slipping as it finds a new home in my dictionary.
Who are these people I smile with now?
Who is here taking my heart, piece by piece.
Who is this I pour into and who are these people telling me they care?
The tracks on my cheek leave my heart pounding. My room is dark and my thoughts abounding.
Memories, hurts, fears and desires.
All this commotion from one captured moment.

Friday, December 6, 2013

ripped out paper

the winter, cold & bringing
harsh, brisk reminders
that summer is too far away.
the winter, empty, yet
full of rain to wash.
away the naive dreams
summer spurred.
the winter leaves us
guessing & desiring
value in the temperature
like never before.
then slowly it starts
barren and dry with nothing to
give. hands tinted red &
our cheeks beaten by
the bitter air.
the winter with no promises in sight
now holds in front of us, the cure for hopelessness,
slowly as it swishes and sways from the skyline
the desires, seemingly unattainable from spring
are in the grasp of our hands.
He has painted our misery & despair.
He has made our summer months' dreams into winter wishes.
covered in white are the dreary & ominous mountains
covered in white, promises now not to be broken.
the winter, to be our endless summer.