Sunday, October 27, 2013

Through the Storm

"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it"
I remember writing this on a canvas at my best friends house with the Giants game on in the back ground.
I am a sucker when it comes to catchy quotes. I could have them all over my room...okay, i have them all over my room. I love them because they make you think. You read it once. Then you read it again. Mull it over and think about how to apply it to your life.
As i was making this painting for my dorm room i valued the statement, but not until recently have i been able to apply it.
We don't have a lot of time alive. I have been learning that a lot lately. What we do with our days is vital. How we spend our time is crucial to our development and it also helps shape who we are.
Some of us thrive in the spotlight, some of us would rather not be seen. We are all different. However, we are all in search of an identity.
WHAT you do today is important.
Each "yes" and "no" chisel you away into the person  you were designed to be.
So through the struggles, through the pain, remember what is your anchor.
Today in Church the words
'in every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.'stung my heart.
what you do today isn't important.
wait, that goes against everything i have been saying.
think about it.
sometimes we have awful days. Days where a 6 hour nap seems like the best decision, yet you only have 2 hours in between classes and the second of which is a midterm.
Sometimes you can't do anything about it.
But where does your anchor sink?
What is holding you down(in a good way), what is grounding you?
What you do today is IMPORTANT.
Just make sure that when choosing what to do you remember who you are doing it for.
Remember who you are making these decisions for.
And remember, that through the hell weeks, through the missed calls, arguments and no replies, that Christ is working.
Your Anchor is working, even if you can't see how.
He is.
WHAT YOU DO TODAY is important. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Every Wednesday

There is a desire for value.
We place it on everything.
Price tags, even though we only see them on clothes, cars, food or houses, we place them on everything and everyone.
It's simple, because
we crave value.

Sometimes so much that we sell ourselves short or we barter with others.
Slowly decreasing our value.
We take our bodies and our souls, we take our gift of life and chip away what we were born with.

There is such a desire for others to want us.
We want people to choose us.
We need to feel value.
The only problem is that our value can't ever be placed or changed.

We search for value, so find people who see your value.
Spend your time, invest in people who wouldn't change anything about you.
Recognize the deep need for simple complements; acknowledge how easy it is to say , "You look beautiful".

There is a desire for value.
Speak value.
See your value.
Refuse to allow others to put a red price tag of Clearance on you.
See your value.