Monday, December 27, 2010

The Fight

 Best friend is one who accepts the good as well bad qualities of his or her friend and also takes an initiative in correcting and mending them. - Anonymous

I don't know if you have a best friend. But i do. Someone who is always there for you no matter what. Through the ups and the downs they are always there. Someone who makes you smile when you want to cry and someone who knows just by "the look" that you need a hug. That someone in my life is Krista. 
Freshman Year
 We met freshman year and have been stuck since then. Never once did i think that i would have a friend like her. We had a class together as Freshies and that's where it all started. I was so happy that she was my friend and sooner or later we became best friends. We talk the same, think the same and shared the same clothes. 
Never would i have ever thought that that girl would still be in my life today. 

Sophomore Year
The next year we were just as close, if not closer. That year is when i realized how much i love krista. That year also contained the most fights we had ever fought. But with every fight our relationship got stronger. "Obstacles are put in your way to see who is worth climbing over for" -unknown. 
This quote really defines our friendship. We have had so many fights i can't even count. But, our laughs, smiles and memories cover our fights by a mile. I wish i could be as good as a friend to her as she is to me. I wish that she knew how much she means to me. i wish. i wish. i wish. 

Junior Year
Then this year came. we drifted apart and it tore my heart out. We also have had our fights this year, but would we be Em&&Kris without them? This year has taught me a lot about myself and my relationships. 
But most importantly i learned about having good friends. 
I am busy a lot. I have a lot on my plate. But what makes a good friend. no. A best friend is that regardless of our schedules we still love each other. 

So here is to...
all the laughs
She Thinks My Tractors Sexy
"Suffrage, the right to vote!"
White Cheddar Cheese-its
Late night talks
all the tears
Super T
Passing notes in Moore's
The cabin
Sitting on your counter
Girl nights 
Our fights
Making fun of people 
And the times to come. 

Krista- you are a fight im willing to fight. 

Monday, December 20, 2010


Lately I have been losing sleep. i have made one too many Pro and Cons lists. i have written letter after letter trying to explain myself. I dont know what to do or where to turn. i know what i want. but then when i wake up i feel like i have made the wrong choice. Every day it's different. How do you know that you have made the right choice? How do you know it is all "going to be okay" why cant the people that you want, want you back? how long is it going to be until i get my answers? how long. how long. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Look Again

Today my friend asked me a question. 
"Em, if there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?"
 I thought really hard about it but then told myself to stop. I am content with who i am so why focus on the negative? Well that mindset worked for about 10 min. 
Later i found myself in front of my full length mirror. I was just looking. Looking and pondering. 
What would i change? 
Would it be my eyes? 
What about making my hair more straight? 
I would love it if i was tanner. 
I also don't like my thunder thighs. 
How about my freckles. Nasty. 
What about the huge gap in my two front teeth? 
I could gain a few inches && 
i would love it if my stomach was flatter. 
so quickly i can find things wrong with me. But think about it, is that healthy? NO! it is so unhealthy and wrong. 
Shoot, i love my hazel eyes. 
i love that i can rock the afro. 
i love the fact I've never had a sun burn. 
i like having some meat on my bones. It makes my pants fit better. 
My freckles make me who i am.
Same with my gap.
I am who i am. I wouldn't change a thing about myself and i encourage you to think about this. When you look at something with a negative mindset you will only get negative results. But if you look again, you never know what might happen.