I am not a girl that could ever be defined. "
Nicki Minaj

Life has been a little crazy right now.
But crazy good.
Senior year has been amazing.
I lost some friends, but with those losses- i gained and grew closer to the most amazing friends i could have ever asked for.I have learned a lot about being hurt.
Where to turn and who to run to.

Who will lie to my face, who will tell the truth.
These girls are my safe zone.
They are my company when i need them.
But through senior year i have also faced a lot of tears, fears, hate and anger.
i have been hurt by people i would have never in a million years would i have guessed they'd be on the other end of such hurtful things. I have been lied to and made fun of by people who used to be the first i would call in the moment of trouble. I have been fooled by guys i believed to be genuine. But through all of that i just am realizing that God is showing me that he works in mysterious ways.
He loves me unconditionally and when i don't give him back the love he deserves i tend to lose sight of what is important. I forget who God made me to be.
I am the girl who laughs the loudest.
I am the girl who cries too often.
I am the girl who prays about everything.
I am the girl who loves surprises.
I am the girl who hates suspense.
I am the girl who is blunt.
I am the girl who will call you out.
I am the girl who admits her flaws.
I am the girl who hides out of fear
I am the girl who speaks out of hurt.
I am the girl who trusts everyone.
I am the girl who loses faith too easily.

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